Saturday, January 8, 2011

Let me introduce you ....

While I have been on the road the majority of 2010 (just ask my neighbors!) I have had many privileged moments that included meeting some incredible people all over the country. Some of these connections took place with individuals so crazy-talented AND anointed to create and produce some powerful worship music . I don't know about you but when your usual "go to" worship mix is getting a little old don't you just stop and think... "where is the new music?" ... "Surely there has gotta be something unique and fresh that God is stirring in somebody's heart that connects with heaven!"

Well the answer yes there is! There is alot of it and most of the time it's just a matter of finding it! 

Thanks to a great year of ministry in 2010 and so many divine connections,  I felt like I came across a treasure trove of not only fresh worship music but also, just a few of the people that God is using and preparing to make a significant impact on our culture!

I just wanted to share with you a few of these people that I've met this past year that have recently released a project or are getting ready to. I encourage you to take a sec and listen to the links below.
I think you will be freshly inspired and also get connected with some people that we will ALL probably be hearing from for a long time to come! 

Jen ~

Top 5  New to You Worship Artists

Seth Abram Bible
I met this guy at a creative arts media conference in Granger, IN. He was on staff as a worship leader and then a few months later...he married one of my dearest friends! His passion for God is so clear in his lyrics and he is one 
A-mazing guitar player as you will hear. P.S....yeah, his last name really is Bible! 
Jen’s Favorite Song: “Grace is Leading Me”

FIND SETH: facebook/sethabrambible ….(check out his “kickstarter” project!)

Sarah Lavigne Music
Sarah and her husband Seth attended a church service I spoke at in NY. I just recently have discovered her music and love her clear voice and the peace in this song!
Jen’s Favorite Song: “No Sweeter Name”

FIND SARAH: facebook/sarahlavignemusic

Laura Cooke
This girl is not only very talented but she carries a vision to impact the world, in part thru her music. You've gotta check out her website and make sure to go to to the "resource" page. 
P.S. her fb page says her goal in life is to NOT be famous... :) 
Jen’s Favorite Song:( it's a tie!!)  "Zion" & "Hallowed It Be Your Name"
"Zion" - Laura Cooke - Click Here   ..... Click on Music. Next Click on the “on” button.

FIND LAURA: Listen/Buy it on Itunes  and also facebook/laura cooke

Kylan Kaye Worship
Matthew and Tiffany Humphrey make up the founding members of this worship ministry. Along with other band members, they are pioneering a fresh sound and energy that pulls the presence of God onto the scene in a powerful way. These two are only getting started and it is so exciting to see where God is taking them and their music. I first met them in Bryan, TX and have since ministered with them again. They have a powerful testimony of the power of God changing their lives and you can hear it in their worship!
Jen's Favorite Song: "Power In the Name"

FIND KYLAN KAYE WORSHP: Listen/Buy it on Itunes and facebook/kylankayeworship

Antonio Neal 
I had the privilege of ministering with this guy at a meeting in Nashville, TN. 
He has had success in the music industry but what stands out is the power and presence of God in his music. I can tell you meeting him in person, this guy is the real deal! 
Jen's Favorite Song: "The Only One"

FIND ANTONIO NEAL: Listen/Buy it on Itunes

Laura Woodley
This is just my all time favorite worship song...had to include it! 
All Time Fav Worship Song: “This is Life”
Jen's Favorite Song: "This Is Life"


1 comment:

  1. Awesome Jen! Will check them out!

    Also, check out Kelanie Gloeckler! She is the worship leader at a church in Jacksonville, Florida. Her songs are original and inspired. She is amazing!

    My personal favorite is Jeremy Zeller. He is the worship leader at a church in Georgetown, KY. His recording band is called Soft Like Fire. His stuff is simply amazing!

    Praying for ya!

