"Hello, it's Tuesday, November 6th ... who are you and what do you believe ...???"
Debates interrupted my favorite t.v. shows, posters and signs that were plastered everywhere just got in the way while playing outside, and oh the commercials!!! Honestly, even as an adult there are still times when I don’t feel that much different!
However, once I reached the age when I was eligible to vote it was made clear to me that voting wasn’t merely just an option but that I had been given a responsibility that I was not to take lightly.
I have heard it said that, "With responsibility comes sacrifice." I believe that's true, but I don’t have the same first-hand experience of this truth as those who have fought and served to protect my right to vote. I don’t know what its like to leave my family, my home and my own ambitions to serve, honor, and protect America.
My grandfather did though, as well as 3 of my uncles and my cousin, who is more like a brother. They each made that choice and their choice leaves me humbled by their passion to serve. I love these men in our family and when I take my responsibility to vote seriously I feel as though I honor them in some small way and the countless others who have fought for this nation that we call home.
You can say what you want about the system being corrupt, the candidates being tainted, and the country being jaded. But if you say that to most american soldiers they will tell you that’s just an excuse. Just like my parents told us growing up, "It doesn’t matter what other people do or don’t do, you are responsible for what you do."
"Remember Who You Are And Whose You Are In The Voting Booth."
Each year around election time I hear some christians and even some leaders refer to Psalms 21:1 when it comes to politics, this verse says, “The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD; He directs it like a watercourse wherever He pleases.” I love this verse but so many times it is stated almost as if implying, “ It's all solely in God’s hands, so whatever happens is ok because it is His will”
But that takes this verse out of context and frankly is a lazy ignorant stance of bad theology. If this were true than it would be pointless for us to pray for righteous leaders and law makers for our nation if it is all just a "given" right?. But that's not what the word of God says. Throughout the bible we are encouraged to pray. The bible also says that "when the righteous are in authority the people rejoice but when the wicked bear the rule the people mourn" - Prov 29:2. So obviously then, who winds up in power can go either way. Sobering but true. History confirms it.
If you think about it then, this verse in Psalms 21 is better applied AFTER the election! After a leader, president, or king has already been put in office. The verse says "the heart of the king is in the Lord’s hands...", but in this country we have a say in the electing of who that king is!
"With Authority Comes Responsibility."
You see the belief that, “It's all in God’s hands” isn't in line with how God has chosen to operate. For example, even as a child of God myself, never has His will for my life ever just been a “given", simply because it was His will for me. Even though I am His child and the bible even says, "He holds ME in the palm of His hand."... still ... it is not an automatic! No, I have a part in the outcome. I have decisions to make, I have to choose His best for me. You have to choose. So it is with our vote, we do have a part to play in the outcome of the election.
I can’t vote on behalf of everyone but I can decide where my vote goes and what I am in alignment with. Don't fool yourself, you are not voting for a person, you are voting for the policies that candidate has declared they stand for. My vote isn't aligning with a person, it's aligning with the issues, policies and matters of morality that are in alignment with the Word of God. To vote and align otherwise would be to stand separated and apart from the truth.
I have heard it said that your vote is like your seed. No candidate, platform or campaign is perfect or even close to it. Neither am I. But in all the rhetoric, debates, posters and commentary let's not allow our moral compass to suddenly get “selective amnesia.” This is no time for favoritism or generational party-loyalty hold-overs. This is the time for christians to rally around the truth.
Here Are Some Christian Voting Guidelines.
Get yourself and your vote in alignment with the Word of God.
#1. Life is Sacred. It is precious. Only God can give life.
The right to life is the first and most fundamental principle of human rights. Every Christian is called upon to vote to affirm the intrinsic value of human life and the dignity of every human being in a way that transforms the culture. This means a candidate whose stance and policies are pro-abortion are NOT in alignment with the Word of God. There is no grey area on this.
#2. Marriage is Sacred.
Marriage is defined in the bible as between a man and a woman. Relations outside of this are clearly outlined as being outside of the design of God and they fall under the curse as all sin does. Let's be clear, religious organizations didn't make this up, it is in the bible.
Both presidential candidates have been repeatedly asked during this election and have publicly stated their belief and policy stance in regards to the issues of life and the definition of marriage. The two candidates have opposite stances about these so it is critically important who you vote for. Click here to read the candidates FOR and AGAINST POLICY STANCES : http://downloads.frcaction.org/EF/EF11L04.pdf
The bottom line is that for christians, this election is only cloudy if we make it that way. Align your vote with what is sacred to God. Keep your moral compass consistent. Remember who you are in the voting booth! Actions speak louder than words. Align, unify and act.
I call you blessed,
Jen ~